I know this blog is more about beer than it is personal commentary but let me go off-topic for a minute if you would, please, to make an announcement. After a lot of deliberation and careful consideration, I have decided to take a pretty enormous (although at least a little bit calculated) leap of faith and leave my cushy, full-time (plus benefits) job in college admissions and strike out on my own. I have wanted to work for myself, from the comfort of my own home, every day since the day I started working, so I decided it was finally time to go for it.

The transition, although pretty nerve wracking, isn’t without some security. I have lined up a part-time sales & marketing tookmedia_logo_new_bluejob (also working mostly from home) with some guaranteed income and some definite security, which is helping to keep me sane. Meanwhile, I will be using the rest of my weekly free time to do some freelance & magazine writing, and to build up and officially launch my own New Media firm, TookMedia; which will specialize in Internet marketing, social media branding & development, copywriting and content creation, blogging, and a few other bigger web ventures I have up my sleeves (which will undoubtedly be unveiled in the coming months).

Back to the Beer

The change will also allow me to put more time and energy into BlogAboutBeer.com, which I’m excited about. It should grant me enough free time that I’ll be able to get back to posting daily, rather than the two or three posts a week I had fallen to. So certainly be ready for lots more goings-on ’round here.

Lastly, if anyone in “the industry” happens to be reading this — I know some of you are — and wants to collaborate on your Internet marketing/branding initiatives, or if you need some freelance writing done, please don’t hesitate to give me a shout. Otherwise, grab my RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, and get ready for lots more to come. Cheers!



  1. Bold, but very cool.  I too wish to eventually work for myself.  However, I just graduated college three years ago and have really been enjoying the security of consistent income.  It sounds like you’ve thought long and hard and I have no doubt you’ll be successful!



  2. Congrats!  I’ve been self-employed for a few years now, and it is great.  There are certainly challenges, but it is worth it.  And having a few streams of revenue is key.

  3. Good luck!!  This endeavor of yours is what this country (USA!!!) is all about!  Jump in, take your lumps, and
    stick with it always with PMA (positive mental attitude).
    My son, a 7th/8th grade teacher here in Maine is striking out with a part time offer of people to stay in his
    yert, which he’s erected up in the woods of his place (would you believe he’s got 57 acres?!)  So he has
    visions of multitasking.  In addition, he hopes to plant enough garlic to have available for sale at the
    annual Common Ground Fair!  (Can’t keep a good man down, huh?).  He, as am I, is a homebrewer, so there
    is another possible connection.
    Stay loose, and hang in there!

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