I believe Captain Hops from Beer Haiku Daily said it best way back on April 26th when he went through what I’m going through this weekend:

My world in shambles
And everything boxed away
Beer still takes me home

That’s right – we’re moving this weekend. While not all that far (literally, from the 3rd floor to the first floor of the same building), it’s amazing how boxing everything up and moving everything downstairs throws things into shambles. Thankfully I was able to keep a 6-pack of homebrew from being boxed up, and it’s helping me get through all the schlepping.

I also may or may not have much internet access during the next week (and hopefully not any longer, although it’s a slight possibility), so I apologize in advance if there’s a lack of posting around here.

Have a great, safe, beer-filled weekend everyone. Cheers!



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