Well, I have officially sold BlogAboutBeer.com and after two years and 10 months of launching and running the site, it’s time for me to step down and let someone else take the reins and guide Blog About Beer into the future and beyond. I’ll let the new owner introduce himself so as not to steal his thunder or misrepresent his intentions with the site.

Rather, I wanted to take a minute and say goodbye and, more importantly, say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has read and followed the site since its inception. After nearly 3 years, it’s absolutely difficult for me to see the site go, but I’m confident that I’m leaving it in good, very capable hands. Thanks to all the readers, thanks to everyone who has commented on a post, everyone who has emailed me, everyone who has come up to me at an event to introduce themselves; thanks to all the breweries and companies who have sent me products to review or given me tickets to their events; thanks to BlueHost.com for being a kick-ass web hosting company with virtually zero downtime and great customer service; thanks to the thousands of you who have visited the site and the hundreds who have subscribed to the RSS feed, despite my often embarrassingly dismal coverage of the craft beer world, over the years; thanks to my friends, family and my girlfriend for putting up with my often obsessive blogging habits; and thanks to everyone for your well-wishes in my next endevor, Baxter Brewing Co. (here’s the announcement I made on the site a few weeks ago, in case you missed it).

If you enjoyed what I had to say and want to continue to follow my progress and updates, I’ll definitely be blogging about Baxter’s progress on BaxterBrewing.com from time-to-time, so check it out. And hopefully I can come back to BlogAboutBeer.com for a guest post or two, every once-in-awhile, too.

The site will be in a state of flux over the next few days as the domain and database transfers happen, but please stick around and please give the new author the same level of attention and respect you always showed me. I have no doubt he’ll continue to show you a good time.

And I guess that’s all I have to say about that. So long, and thanks for all the beers!

Luke Livingston
Author, BlogAboutBeer.com – Aug 2007-June 2010



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