That’s right – after many years of waiting to be able to buy the beers of both Victory Brewing Co. and Stone Brewing in Maine, the time has come. You’ll already find some of Victory’s beers on the shelves of Whole Foods, Downeast Beverage, etc. and Stone’s beers are soon to follow. According to BeerAdvocate, the official launch of draught Stone in Maine will take place this coming weekend (October 11th) at Ebenezers Pub in Lovell. From B.A.,

All you Maine folk have been both very patient and very interactive about us bringing our beer to your fine state, and your time has come.

Chris at Ebenezers Pub in Lovell has graciously offered to host a monster lineup of monster beer for the day to celebrate the first Stone Brewing Co. draft beer being poured in the state.

The draft offerings are the following:

Stone Pale Ale
Stone IPA
Stone Ruination IPA
Stone Smoked Porter
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Oaked Arrogant Bastard…..

But wait… gets even better!

2005 Double Bastard Ale
2006 Double Bastard Ale
2004 Old Guardian Barleywine
2007 Stone Imperial Russian Stout
12th Anniversary Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout

And what event would be complete without some Belgian inspired beers at Ebenezers. Hence……

Stone 070707 Vertical Epic Ale
Stone 080808 Vertical Epic Ale

Chris will be fulfilling my love of BBQ by offering it up all day long. Live music will begin at 7 PM for your dancing and drinking pleasure.

I imagine you can expect the Stone beers on store shelves shortly there-after. Now get out there and discover some new beers!



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