
Beer Gadgets


I always stumble upon new beer related inventions, and this morning a friend of mine sent me a link to one that is pretty genius and I’m sure will make the inventor, Josh Springer of GrinOn Industries, a lot of money. His system, called the Bottoms Up beer dispenser, fills specially designed cups that have a hole and a magnet on the bottom really fast and efficiently.  I’m sure this will catch on at sporting events, concerts,…

I was recently sent a watch from Happy Hour™ which is a pretty cool watch that includes a bottle opener in the buckle. Sometimes I get stuff sent in the mail for reviews that are complete crap, and this is definitely not one of them.  I love this watch.  The only downfall is it’s a little hard to read the time since it’s pretty dark, but it’s still pretty cool. Anyways, instead of writing a…

I admit that I’m somewhat of a gadget geek. When products come out that make sense, such as my Reef sandals that have beer bottle openers on the bottom of each foot, I get excited. I’ve been wearing my sandals when I’ve needed to open a beer, and they have been a life saver (ok, that might be extreme, but they have definitely come in handy). What happens though when the winter comes and I’m…

I was looking for beer glasses this morning and came across one that is not your typical pint glass.  Now I’m sure this will confuse your friends who’ve drank a little more than they should.  I know I might be easily amused, but the glass makes it appear like you’re drinking from the bottom of your beer bottle. The picture below shows the glass in its glory. If you’re more of a wine drinker, don’t…

Have you ever had a time you cracked open a beer and for some reason needed to put it back in the fridge?  If you’re like me that doesn’t happen often, but on occasion I’ve had to throw a half filled beer away after it goes flat sitting in the fridge (such as when my wife uses beer in a dinner recipe).  To fix the problem a new product was created called Beer Savers. Basically Beer Savers…

The following is a guest post from Jesse King (AKA “Finks”). If you would like to contribute a guest post to, please contact me. Enjoy! I love beer! I have known this since I was 18, errrm I mean 21 officer. I was raised in a home where my Dad drank Geary’s and my Mom Milwaukee’s Best Light. So I could have gone either way in the beer spectrum. Thankfully I sided towards the…

Since today is the first day back to work for many after the long holiday weekend and is also what many have now come to call “Cyber Monday”, I thought it would be fitting to write up a fun post to get you in the holiday spirit. And one which would hopefully prove helpful to some. Without further adieu, here are (only in some sort of order; it’s not exact) the Top 10 Gifts for…

Some breweries have some pretty damn cool bottle caps and it’s always a shame to just toss them in the garbage after every beer. So I’ve decided to turn a few of my favorite caps (or favorite breweries) into a little art project so I can continue to show them off, well after the beer is gone: Bottle Cap Magnets. I can’t claim this project as my own (I saw it on a friend’s fridge…

Tom Raich, a 53-year-old pharmacist from Michigan, who is a longtime homebrewer has created a gadget called the Brew Hauler, which — thanks in no small part to the increasing popularity of homebrewing in general — seems to really be taking off. According to the Kalamazoo Gazette, Raich had struggled hauling his five-gallon carboy, a large glass container used to ferment beer, around his home. The contents of the cumbersome carboy would get jostled –…

I was lucky enough to receive a free copy of Idunware Beer recently and have been having a good deal of fun trying it out. Idunware Beer is a download-able computer program which allows users to index all of their past beer experiences (good and bad) – specific beer they’ve bought, breweries they’ve visited, stores they’ve bought from, and so on. According to the program’s creator, Henrik, Idunware Beer is intended for those people who…