
Beer Fun


With day length increasing as the season progresses, and with even the shyest of flowers beginning to bloom, it is clear that the rejuvenation of our landscapes is arriving in the form of spring. This renewal which takes place every year transforms the barren into bounty and signals the rebirth of the nature that surrounds us. One part of this nature that I’m sure we are all appreciative of is hops! So as the hop…

This weeks T-Shirt Tuesday is another shirt that I received from the great people at Craft Brewed Clothing Co. One of the cool things about getting shirts from Craft Brewed Clothing Co. is that you get shirts from all over the US. They don’t just stick with large breweries, so you get to experience multiple breweries you may not even know existed. That is exactly what this months shirt was for me. It comes from Hawcreek Brewing Co.…

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a funny video on the blog for awhile. Since St. Patrick’s Day is this Sunday, I figured I’d post one of the nerdiest St. Patrick’s Day beer songs you’ll probably ever hear. It’s a unique blend of chemistry, biology, and beer. Watch and enjoy.

Last week I started a new segment on the blog called T-Shirt Tuesday to showcase craft beer related t-shirts I’ve received from multiple companies. This week I’ll keep it short and sweet as this t-shirt sells itself. The shirt comes from a company called Fermented Tees. They offer a small selection of homebrewing and craft beer t-shirts along with a handful of bottle openers. They just recently opened and so far their products look pretty promising. I’m…

This is the first of a new segment on the blog called T-Shirt Tuesday. Over the course of the past few months I’ve received multiple t-shirts from different companies related to craft beer and I though it would be fun to take a moment each week to highlight a new shirt every week along with the company it represents. The first shirt in this series was sent to me by the people at Craft Brewed Clothing Co.…

Valentine’s Day. Whether it excites the butterflies in your love-stricken heart or antagonizes your gag reflex… it’s happening. But don’t despair or avert your eyes from these words until you’ve read just a tad more! If upon hearing the words “Valentine’s Day” you first think of the actual St. Valentine being martyred by beheading, or think of the 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in which Al Capone “retired” 7 mob associates, this first beer is…

With Christmas just a few days away, it might be too late to order much online for the beer lover in your life. However, don’t fret! First, maybe you looked at posts from previous years for a few gift ideas. If not, here you go: The Top 10 Gifts for Any Beer Lover This Holiday Season 5 Beer Gift Ideas Under $25 5 Beer Gift Ideas Between $25-$75 5 Beer Gift Ideas Over $75 Next…

With new gadgets and gizmos popping up every day to improve our quality of life, one area that seems to be neglected is the improvement of imbibing…until now. Bridget and Kate are two ladies who grew up in Annapolis and have taken many sailing trips down the Chesapeake Bay. Their journeys culminated in a very specific gripe. Sailing isn’t easy business and they were unable to “trim the jib, raise the chute and tack” while…

As we all prepare to reap the bounty of the harvest on this third Thursday of the month of November, the flood of things that I am thankful for rush past my mind like the Mayflower rushing to the New World. Family is an obvious one, friends is another, health, happiness, and love also make the list of blessings to count. And, as I slide the beads of my abacus over one by one while…

We’ve all been there. You’re about to crack open a beer and can’t find an opener. If you’re like most beer fans, you probably have a ton of bottle openers with you at all times, but once in a blue moon you are left figuring out a creative way to pop the cap. Maybe you’re out camping, riding dirt bikes, chopping things down with machetes, or heck, eating a piece of pizza (watch the video…